New Reservation Feature: Book Trails Requiring Authorisation Directly Through Tenerife ON
The La Asomada – Cruz de Afur Trail and the Circular Trail La Ensillada – Cabeza de Tejo – La Ensillada will be the first

At Tenerife ON we remain committed to improving access to the island’s natural resources, while at the same time preserving them. And as part of these ongoing improvements, you can now book certain trails directly through the Tenerife ON website and the Tenerife ON mobile app. In the iOS version, the update may not have reached all users yet, so we encourage you to do it through the website.
From 14 October 2024 at 7:00 am (Canary Islands time), individual users will be able to book the following trails:
- La Asomada - Cruz de Afur Trail (Monte Aguirre Exclusion Zone)
- Circular Trail La Ensillada - Cabezo de Tejo - La Ensillada (El Pijaral Integral Nature Reserve)
From 21 October, it will no longer be possible to book these trails through the Reservations Office of the Tenerife Island Council.
How does the new system work?
Reservations can only be made if you are registered with Tenerife ON, either on the website or on the Tenerife ON mobile app, via the trail information page.
There are several ways to access the trail information page:
- Click or tap on “Reservations” in the main menu to view the trails and features that require authorisation; select any of these to access the information page.
- Click or tap on the search magnifying glass icon in the main menu, and search for the name of the trail, or any word in the name of the trail.
- Click or tap on “Routes” in the main menu to display or filter the trails.
- Select the trail you want to view on the interactive map.
Every Monday at 7:00 am, the slots available for the trails in the following week will be made available. This means that reservations will be open until 14 days after their publication every Monday. Within the information page of each trail in Tenerife ON, you can check availability and make your reservation quickly and easily from the “Availability and Permits” section, as shown below.
Reservations can be managed in your profile, in the “My Bookings” section.
It is important to note that reservations can only be made by natural persons for these two trails. Entities of a public or private, for-profit or not-for-profit nature, and natural persons working for profit may not make reservations for these trails.