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San José de Los Llanos Campsite for tents

Camping area, San José de los Llanos , El Tanque


No data available


901501901 - 922239500


San José de Los Llanos Campsite is located at an altitude of over 1,000 metres, on the northern slopes of the island, so fog and cool temperatures are very common.

The area is set in a Canary Island pine forest that was reforested to restore the landscape to its original state, and also contains vegetation typical of this area, including monteverde species such as faya (Morella faya), tree heath (Erica arborea) and tagasaste (Cytisusproliferus).

Due to its easy access by car – it is located next to the main road – and its proximity to the village of San José de Los Llanos, it is a very popular area, especially on holidays and weekends.

Several footpaths lead both from the recreational area and its surroundings.

The camping area adjoins a recreational area offering a wide range of services.


  • Enjoy the local plant and animal life without disturbing it. Be curious but from a safe and respectful distance.
  • Follow the rules and instructions on the signs to avoid disturbance to people and animals.
  • Keep the environment clean and leave no litter behind. Rubbish and cigarette butts must be disposed of in the designated containers.
  • Travel in small groups to keep noise pollution and the impact on the environment to a minimum.  
  • Use the water in the toilets and taps responsibly. Water is a scarce and precious commodity on our island.

Recommendations and tips


  • Mandatory reservation: Required for all individuals on this same page in the “Permissions and Availability” section, below the technical details.
  • iOS reservations not updated: Please complete your reservation through the website. www.tenerifeon.es
  • For inquiries, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Overnight stays in caravans, motorhomes, and other camper vehicles are not allowed in this camping area.
More information


The recreational area adjoining this campsite has the following services:

  • Adapted toilets. Please use the toilets in the recreational area. Ask staff about the opening and closing times of the toilets (they are not always open).
  • Barbecue facilities.
  • Water NOT fit for human consumption.
  • Tables and benches.
  • Accessible tables.
  • Children’s area.
  • Waste containers.
  • Parking area with no reserved parking spaces for people with reduced mobility.

  • Nearby restaurant (not part of the centre).
Route icon

Availability and permits

Reserva plazas


Advance booking required

Reserva plazas

Companies and entities

No access for natural or legal entities of a public or private, for-profit or not-for-profit nature, and for natural persons working for profit

  • Day with available slots
  • Day with no available slots
  • Blocked day
  • Places available for people Places available for people
Read the booking conditions

Number of people

Check availability


Resource location

Connections with routes

No data available


Access San José de Los Llanos Campsite for tents

TF-373, at the roundabout at km 11.8 take the exit towards Avenida Venezuela. 

Bus number 360, San José de los Llanos bus stop code 4602. TITSA

Protected Areas


Reserva Natural Especial del Chinyero

The Chinyero Special Nature Reserve is located on the Abeque ridge, one of the three volcanic rifts on the island and the most active at present. Two historical eruptions have taken place here: ...

Discover the Protected Area
Reserva Natural Especial del Chinyero


Today, friday, in El Tanque

Clear skies

12 km/h


14ºC Maximum

12ºC Minimum



3 day forecast


18ºC Maximum

13ºC Minimum


16ºC Maximum

12ºC Minimum


17ºC Maximum

12ºC Minimum