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Prevención de incedios

Today, 18 August, is World Wildfire Prevention Day, a day to raise awareness of the importance of protecting our forests from the threat of wildfires, which not only affect the trees but also all the animal species that inhabit the island.

Regrettably, this day is becoming more relevant every year, especially in the Canary Islands, which in recent years has seen a worrying increase in the number of forest fires.

In Tenerife in particular, the combination of adverse weather conditions, including high temperatures and prolonged droughts, together with human factors, such as carelessness or negligence, has repeatedly endangered the island’s flora and fauna.

In view of this situation, Tenerife’s firefighting teams have stepped up their efforts to protect and preserve our valuable ecosystems.

These teams consist of forest firefighters and environmental agents who work tirelessly to control and extinguish fires, often putting their own lives at risk to ensure our safety and that of our natural areas.

However, wildfire prevention is a shared responsibility, and every small action can make a difference. This means that we too can lend a hand in this important task.

Here is a list of all the things you can (and cannot) do to help prevent forest fires:

  1. Never litter the forest with cigarette butts or any other objects. Take your rubbish with you, even if it’s not yours. The forests (and the whole of Tenerife) will thank you for it.
  2. Do not light fires outside the permitted areas or if there is an active fire risk alert. You can check our Alerts section for further information.
  3. If you see someone littering or lighting an unauthorised fire, inform the authorities as soon as possible.
  4. Always follow the instructions of the forestry teams and observe the restrictions in place in each Protected Natural Area.
  5. Help us raise awareness of the importance of forest fire prevention by sharing this information with friends, family and neighbours.


If you need more information, consult our guide on how to prevent fires and how to act in the event of a fire while taking part in outdoor activities on the island.

Will you support Tenerife ON in our efforts to protect our forests? Do your part for the cause, both today, on World Wildfire Prevention Day, and throughout the rest of the year.